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Rooted In His Word


We are an Ekklesia, a mishpacha (family). An Ekklesia is a gathering of like minded believers who are called out in order to come together for the purpose of praising, worshiping, praying, serving, and studying the Word of Yahweh together.

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Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Matthew 5:14-19

Matthew 22:36-40

Second He will come triumphantly as our coming King, Ruler and Judge over the righteous and unrighteous (Revelation 19-20) and Yahweh will once again bring back the scattered children of Israel into the promised land He promised to Abraham, Issac and Jacob. With His Torah (instructions) written on our hearts and no more will there be any that ask “Who is Yahweh?” for we will all know Him (Jeremiah 31:31-34). Those, no matter if you are of the true bloodline of Israel or of the nations, that are one in Messiah Yeshua will be heir to the promise of the seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:28).



First as a suffering servant, Yeshua, sent forth from Yahweh to seek out the lost tribes of Israel, to teach again the commands of Yahweh and bring us back to Yahweh our Elohim, to bear our transgressions and raised from the dead to become our intercessor and High Priest to the Most High Yahweh in His heavenly sanctuary (Isaiah 53, John 16:27, Matthew 15:24, Hebrews 8:1-2)

Colossians 2:6-7


We believe in a day when the children of Israel will one day turn back to the Elohim of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the Elohim of Israel. A day when they will turn from their wicked ways and seek Yahweh our Elohim in truth and He will forgive our sins and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). We believe that Yahweh will send His Messiah not once, but twice.


We believe in the blessings and curses that Yahweh our Elohim set forth with the children of Israel, blessings if we obey and curses if we disobey (Deuteronomy 28). We believe that due to the transgression of the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah, the two eventual divided kingdoms of all of Israel, that they were scattered into the nations (Ezekiel 36:17-20, Joel 3:1-2).


We seek to honor and obey the Instructions (Torah or Law), ordinances, statues and commandments that Yah spoke to Moses and Aaron when He brought the children of Israel (Yah’s given name to Jacob) out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. To fear Yahweh alone and serve Him, to not go after other mighty ones and diligently guard the commands of Yahweh our Elohim (Deuteronomy 6:10-17). And that we should teach our children the words and commands of Yahweh and shall speak of them from morning to night, they shall be not only in our thoughts but also in our actions (Deuteronomy 6:6-10).


As for me and my house we will serve the one true Elohim (God) of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, Yahweh the Most High (Exodus 3:15). We trust in the covenants Yah made with Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the land that Yahweh promised to them and to their descendants (Genesis 50:24).


As for me and my house we will serve the one true Elohim (God) of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, Yahweh the Most High (Exodus 3:15). We trust in the covenants Yah made with Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the land that Yahweh promised to them and to their descendants (Genesis 50:24).


We seek to honor and obey the Instructions (Torah or Law), ordinances, statues and commandments that Yah spoke to Moses and Aaron when He brought the children of Israel (Yah’s given name to Jacob) out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. To fear Yahweh alone and serve Him, to not go after other mighty ones and diligently guard the commands of Yahweh our Elohim (Deuteronomy 6:10-17). And that we should teach our children the words and commands of Yahweh and shall speak of them from morning to night, they shall be not only in our thoughts but also in our actions (Deuteronomy 6:6-10).


We believe in the blessings and curses that Yahweh our Elohim set forth with the children of Israel, blessings if we obey and curses if we disobey (Deuteronomy 28). We believe that due to the transgression of the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah, the two eventual divided kingdoms of all of Israel, that they were scattered into the nations (Ezekiel 36:17-20, Joel 3:1-2).


We believe in a day when the children of Israel will one day turn back to the Elohim of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the Elohim of Israel. A day when they will turn from their wicked ways and seek Yahweh our Elohim in truth and He will forgive our sins and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). We believe that Yahweh will send His Messiah not once, but twice.


First as a suffering servant, Yeshua, sent forth from Yahweh to seek out the lost tribes of Israel, to teach again the commands of Yahweh and bring us back to Yahweh our Elohim, to bear our transgressions and raised from the dead to become our intercessor and High Priest to the Most High Yahweh in His heavenly sanctuary (Isaiah 53, John 16:27, Matthew 15:24, Hebrews 8:1-2)


Second He will come triumphantly as our coming King, Ruler and Judge over the righteous and unrighteous (Revelation 19-20) and Yahweh will once again bring back the scattered children of Israel into the promised land He promised to Abraham, Issac and Jacob. With His Torah (instructions) written on our hearts and no more will there be any that ask “Who is Yahweh?” for we will all know Him (Jeremiah 31:31-34). Those, no matter if you are of the true bloodline of Israel or of the nations, that are one in Messiah Yeshua will be heir to the promise of the seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:28).

Are You Wanting to Grow in The Word?

We have weekly Ekklesia gatherings via google meet Sundays at 10am CST. We also have a Women's Ministry, Men's Ministry, and Youth Ministry small groups.

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now is the time to go deeper

Roots of Truth


our core values and

We believe the entire bible is the Gospel of YHWH.
Matthew 22:37-40
2Timothy 3:16-17
Deuteronomy 4:2
Revelation 22:18-19

Whole Bible Gospel

We believe gathering in a like-minded community is biblically sound.
Acts 2:42-47
Hebrews 10:24-25
Colossians 3:16
1Corinthians 14:26



The Living Word

We believe the Word of Yah is food for our souls- and gives us exactly what we each need, when we need it.
1Peter 2:2-3
Jeremiah 15:16


- Michael & Dana R.

Michael and I were living as the world before 2012. We kept man made laws, holidays and traditions both Christian and Orthodox Jewish. In 2012 Yah removed the scales from our eyes. We started keeping the feast days and the sabbath. We started following the example that Yeshua our Messiah lead. Coming out of the world can be lonely but finding our brothers and sisters in Yeshua at Rooted in his Ministry had been a blessing.

- Tracee

Being unequally yolked, I have spent the last 3 years alone in my walk finding His Truth. The last 6 months being involved with the women's ministry, ekklesia weekly gatherings, and small group studies- as well as the friendships made- have changed everything for me! I am forever grateful for this ministry! 

- Clarissa

Rooted in His Word Ministry immediately felt like home. Gathering with like-minded believers virtually is such a huge blessing! My family attended Passover in-person and it was like being wrapped in a hug from Yah the whole time, everyone was so kind and loving. The Holy Spirit was certainly present!


our community

Are you new to the faith or our community?

We know that coming into His truth can be overwhelming. Whether you are a brand new believer, coming from main-stream Christianity, Orthodox Judaism, or anything in between- we have the resource for you!

check out "the way"


"But whoever guards His Word, truly the love of Elohim has been perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him."

1John 2:5

"Yah Moments"

the blog

Community Outreach

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Our shared devotional moments and encounters with Yahweh that will encourage and inspire you to go deeper in your relationship with the Most High.

Coming Soon

Rooted Devotions