Coming together in a community of like-minded believers is essential for standing against the world in our belief. We know that in person is always the most fulfilling, but not everyone has that luxury. We have many opportunities for fellowship while growing in His word via the wonders of technology.
Our meetings take place via Google Meet every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. CST. While we understand this is not always the Sabbath day- it is a day that everyone is able to gather together to dig into scripture, learn from one another, fellowship, and to pray with one another.
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Meetings are held over Google Meet for whole group every Tuesday at 7pm CST. We focus on helping others to grow and develop relationships with other women who are like minded believers, desiring to deepen their knowledge and relationship with YHWH and Yeshua. We utilize discord with organized and labeled channels to keep discussion topics where they need to be. For example; end times, women's study, calendar discussion, homesteading, Torah Talk, etc.
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As of right now we have a youth Hangout section in our Discord Server that is monitored by the parents of children included in the group. We are hoping to grow that to a more involved area for the youth in our Ekklesia to grow and walk out His word.
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A huge aspect of Rooted in His Word Ministry is community outreach. We strive to help others in and around communities throughout. The Community Outreach Leadership works together to review all applications received in order to best serve those in need. Once determined, the leadership works with the rest of the Ekklesia to schedule events, activities, etc.
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